Principal Features
■ 2 x 61 note tracker touch keyboards,
velocity sensitive for orchestral voices
■ 30 note radiating concave pedal board
■ 35 speaking tilt tab stops with hundreds
of alternative pipe and orchestral voices from internal bank
■ 4 preset organ styles (English, Baroque,
Romantic and Symphonic)
■ 4 user defined variable styles
■ 18 alternative temperaments
Playing Aids
■ Swell expression pedal
■ Gt/Ped expression pedal
■ 6 general thumb pistons, 6 divisional thumb pistons
■ 16 Capture memories
■ 2 sequencer +/- pistons
■ Auto pedal and All Swells on Swell pistons
■ Keyboard inversion and Transposer -6/+5
■ Fully adjustable Tremulants (speed and depth)
Display and Software Features
■ Backlight display with 8 button control to access
all organ choice and set up features
■ Fully upgradeable software platform via USB input
■ Record playing direct to USB
Dimensions and Finishes
■ Dark or Light oak real wood veneer with solid wooden
roll cover
■ Illuminated music desk
■ 127cm (W) x 114cm (H) x 62cm (D), 118cm with
pedal board
■ Weight 115kg
Audio System and Sound Management
■ 5 internal speakers, 2 x 60 watt and 1 x 100 watt
internal amplifiers
■ Stop by stop selection of simulated wind chest layout
■ Stop by stop and divisional adjustment of volume
■ Stop by stop adjustment of 6 voicing parameters
■ Internal 5 band graphic equaliser
■ Fully adjustable acoustic with live acoustic selection
■ Stereo headphone output socket
■ External outputs up to 12 channels